Monster Filming Locations

Monster Filming Locations: It is a legal-drama film. This ‘Monster’ film is about crime, punishment, society, people and other opportunities. So I am going to give you all the information about the locations of the Monster film. Hope you will like it more. So let’s start

Based on1999 novel by Walter Dean Myers
ThemesCrime, punishment, societal perception, second chances
Main CharacterSteve Harmon
Actor for Main CharacterKelvin Harrison Jr.
Character DescriptionSmart, talented aspiring filmmaker from Harlem, New York, accused of involvement in robbery
Legal ChargesFelony murder
ParentsPlayed by Jennifer Hudson and Jeffrey Wright
Supporting CharacterKatherine O’Brien, played by Jennifer Ehle
Role of Katherine O’BrienProvides assistance and defense in court, not fully convinced of Steve’s innocence
DirectorAnthony Mandler
Director of PhotographyDavid Devlin (‘War of the Worlds’)
Key ThemeMaintaining dreams and individuality amidst societal and legal challenges
SettingHarlem, New York

Monster Filming Locations

Where was “Monster” Filmed?

New York City, New York

The movie ‘Monster’ was filmed on several locations in New York City,

Filming LocationsVarious locations in New York City, including Harlem
Prison Scenes LocationCounty jail in East Meadow, NY
Filming Start DateEarly October 2016
Filming DurationApproximately one month
HarlemUpper Manhattan neighborhood where Steve lived and spent time before arrest
Steve’s Activity in HarlemHoned his filming abilities using a modest camera or phone to capture Harlem’s lively and ethnic life
Director’s Social MediaDirector Anthony Mandler posted numerous photographs from Harlem on his Instagram account

Monster Filming Locations

Prison Filming LocationNassau County Jail, 100 Carman Ave, East Meadow, New York
Depiction in FilmShows Steve’s tough prison life
Area DescriptionEast Meadow is a small area in Nassau County (Long Island), New York
Other Films Shot Here‘The Bourne Legacy’, ‘Morning Glory’
Producer’s Social MediaProducer Nikki Silver posted a photo on Instagram from the prison set

Monster Filming Locations

I hope you got to know everything about all the locations. I have given all the information about all such filming locations. I hope you will like it

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